Classic Tailoring class on Craftsy
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Hi everybody, log time no blog! I've been working on getting this great new class together for Craftsy this past year, and a few other things I'll talk about in another post, but I wanted to let you know that the new class is live on the Craftsy site now and I'm so incredibly excited to share it with you!
For following the blog I'd like to invite you to use this link for $25 off my new Craftsy class.
This class is so full of great stuff. I got to share so many little tips and secrets I've learned along my way from working with tailors over the past 25 years.
We use a very classic commercial pattern and I sank you through the steps of creating all the new inner structure pieces that take a jacket like this to the next level.
These are methods that can be translated later into so many other garments. It's just a old school tailoring boot camp that will give you the tools and confidence to tackle any tailoring project you might come across in the future.
This is the class I would teach if I were addressing a group of costume or fashion design students, and it's available through Craftsy to anyone who'd like to learn these time-tested methods.
So I hope you like it, and enjoy the interactive question and answer format where I can address all you tailoring questions. There's also a great project gallery for you to share your work with others who are taking the class and see their progress as well.
I can't wait to see what you make!